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Batches Transaction


If you are a user who frequently makes multiple transactions, you may have heard of batch transactions. In this article, we will explore the benefits of batch transactions and how they can help you save time and money.

Benefits of Batches Transaction

Batch transaction brings a lot of advantages for users:

  • Cost optimization: Batch Transaction helps to reduce costs for users by reducing the number of transactions that need to be executed.
  • Enhanced security: Batch transactions ensure atomicity, meaning that either all sub-transactions within the batch succeed or none of them do. This provides increased security compared to individual transactions, which could be executed in a non-sequential manner, potentially creating vulnerabilities.
  • Time-saving: Performing multiple individual transactions may require users to wait until all transactions are confirmed on the blockchain before proceeding with the next transaction. This will cost users more time and money. Meanwhile, Batch Transaction helps pack multiple transactions into a single transaction, saving users time and not having to wait for confirmation before proceeding with the next transaction.

Therefore, Batch Transaction is an effective way to reduce costs for users when making multiple transactions at once.

Example of a Batch Transaction

Suppose you've got a company with 50 employees and you need to pay the salary for everyone.

With traditional wallets like Metamask, you'll need to create 50 separate transactions and sign them individually. If one transaction fails, it can cause subsequent transactions to fail, and you'll have to manually redo those transactions (or ask your employees to send the money back if you want to start over).

With W3Smart Wallet, you only need to create one transaction containing 50 sub-transactions and sign it once. If one of your friends doesn't receive the money, all 50 sub-transactions will be reverted (none of them will receive the money), and you can simply redo the transaction you just created.


Learn more about how to use the send batch transaction feature here.


Batch Transaction is an important feature in Ethereum's account abstraction, helping users optimize costs, increase security, and save time when making multiple account changes simultaneously.