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Transactions, Signatures & Gas Payers

As a multi-signature wallet, W3Smart Wallet requires guardians to confirm certain security-related actions. This article provides detailed information on which action is guarded, how many signatures are needed and who pays for the transaction.

Actions that need guardians’ signatures

The following actions will need guardians’ signatures to be executed:

  1. Recovery (Forgot Passcode)
  2. Cancel Recovery
  3. Unlock
  4. Add Guardian
  5. Cancel Add Guardian
  6. Remove Guardian
  7. Cancel Remove Guardian
  8. Add Address to Whitelist
  9. Send token to addresses out of whitelist

Also, if the system guardian is enabled, these actions will always require the system guardian’s signature (in this case Security Verification code from email) in addition to other guardians’ ones. Besides, any other transactions will not require guardians’ signatures.

Number of guardians needed

Currently, the number of guardians needed for all of these actions are the same. It is the nearest integer larger than ½ total number of added guardians.

This table depicts the example of guardians needed correlating to total number of added guardians:

Total guardians (including system guardian)Number of guardians signature needed (in addition to owner)
n(n+1)/2 - rounded UP to the nearest integer

Payers for transaction fee

All the above-mentioned actions require an amount of transaction fee to be validated on blockchain, this fee will be paid by the owner. Guardians don’t have to pay for approving the transactions.