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Multichain support

W3Smart Wallet aims at supporting a wide range of networks to facilitate transactions and support users.

Which chains does W3Smart Wallet support?

Currently W3Smart Wallet can support multiple blockchain networks:

  • Ethereum
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Polygon

We aim to expand to a range of other networks in the future, keeping in mind our purpose of facilitating gamers and developers to interact with a variety of dApps and ecosystems.

Also, in W3Smart Wallet, the same wallet address is used on every network, making it more convenient for users. When switching to another network, your wallet address will not be changed.

How do I switch networks on W3Smart Wallet?

By selecting the desired network from the dropdown menu in the top right corner, you can easily switch between the various networks.

Please note that the dashboard will show the available balance on the active network as the primary information, while the available balance on each individual network is shown beneath.