📄️ Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
An extra layer of protection for your wallet
📄️ Guardians
Trusted entities who protect your wallet
📄️ Freezing Account
Immediately lock your account when suspecting your wallet is compromised
📄️ Social Recovery
Recover your wallet with guardians' support
📄️ Batches Transaction
Execute multiple transactions in one tap
📄️ Whitelists
Trusted accounts list of your wallet
📄️ Gas Sponsorship with Paymaster
Pay transactions fee in ERC-20 tokens
📄️ Multi-chain Support
All supported networks of your wallet
📄️ Daily Spend Limit
Limit your transaction spending throughput
📄️ Smart Contracts architecture
The Smart Contracts architecture of W3Smart Wallet
📄️ Transactions, Signatures & Gas Payer
The number of signatures and gas payer of your transactions